Case Study Editing Marketplace

Jellysmack’s mission is to help Creators reach their full potential using technology and data. Our strategy consists in detecting the most promising Creators, operating their channels across platforms (which includes editing and adapting their videos to each platform), and growing & monetizing their audiences.

Creator’s content creation process consists in the following steps:

  1. Find a video idea
  2. Shoot the video
  3. Edit the video.
  4. Adapt / Re-edit the video for each platform

The two last steps can represent up to 80% of time spent overall. In addition, adapting the video for each platform requires a different expertise that Creators don’t necessarily have.

One of the key business goals of Jellysmack is to scale video editing:

Editing is currently done internally at Jellysmack. But as we grow, and as we want to expand our services to all Creators (and not just Creators that are in our programs), we plan to build a video editing marketplace which would connect any Creator with any editor across the world.

The goal of this case study is to define the workflows of this product and its go-to-market strategy.

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